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Application Number Location Proposal
25NP0026 1 The Larkes, Elsdon Village, Elsdon, Northumberland, NE19 1AZ Proposed glazed sun room to side of existing building
25NP0022 Field House, Stannersburn Village, Stannersburn, Northumberland, NE48 1DD Approval of details reserved by conditions 3(stone, slate and windows), 15 (integrated bat box) 18 (Construction method statement) and 20 (surface water drainage) of planning permission 23NP0041 - Ere...
25NP0023CO Hadrians Wall Camping And Caravan Site, Melkridge, Haltwhistle, Northumberland, NE49 9PG Neighbouring authority consultation 25/00783/VARYCO - Variation of condition 2 (Approved Plans) on approved application 20/01719/FUL in order to supersede the Site Plan layout with a revised layout, ...
25NP0024CO Melkridge Tilery, Melkridge, Haltwhistle, Northumberland, NE49 9PG Neighbouring Authority Consultation - 25/00770/FUL - Retrospective Approval for One Moveable Holiday Unit (two person)
25NP0025 Stonehaugh Garage, Middle Burn End, Stonehaugh, Hexham, Northumberland, NE48 3DY Demolition of existing workshop, office, and storage building and erection of replacement workshop, office and storage building
25NP0005 Park Lodge, Bellingham, Northumberland, NE48 1PB Installation of an array of 8no. photovoltaic panels to supplement the energy provision
25NP0019 Whitlees, Elsdon, Northumberland,NE19 1BT Conversion of bastle and adjoining byre into two holiday accommodation units and ancillary store
25NP0020LBC Whitlees, Elsdon, Northumberland, NE19 1BT Listed building Consent - Conversion of bastle and adjoining byre into two holiday accommodation units and ancillary store
25NP0016 Fellside, Alwinton, Northumberland, NE65 7BQ Alterations to two semi-detached cottages to knock through into one single larger cottage with a rear single storey extension along with provision of solar panels to roof and associated works
25NP0017 The Cottage, Falstone, Northumberland, NE48 1AA Part-Retrospective application for the retention of a single storey timber structure to rear elevation

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