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If you wish to make a formal comment on an application then go to the more detailed view (by clicking on the application number listed below), then click the "Comment on this Application" button.
Application Number | Location | Proposal |
25NP0026 | 1 The Larkes, Elsdon Village, Elsdon, Northumberland, NE19 1AZ | Proposed glazed sun room to side of existing building |
25NP0022 | Field House, Stannersburn Village, Stannersburn, Northumberland, NE48 1DD | Approval of details reserved by conditions 3(stone, slate and windows), 15 (integrated bat box) 18 (Construction method statement) and 20 (surface water drainage) of planning permission 23NP0041 - Ere... |
25NP0023CO | Hadrians Wall Camping And Caravan Site, Melkridge, Haltwhistle, Northumberland, NE49 9PG | Neighbouring authority consultation 25/00783/VARYCO - Variation of condition 2 (Approved Plans) on approved application 20/01719/FUL in order to supersede the Site Plan layout with a revised layout, ... |
25NP0024CO | Melkridge Tilery, Melkridge, Haltwhistle, Northumberland, NE49 9PG | Neighbouring Authority Consultation - 25/00770/FUL - Retrospective Approval for One Moveable Holiday Unit (two person) |
25NP0025 | Stonehaugh Garage, Middle Burn End, Stonehaugh, Hexham, Northumberland, NE48 3DY | Demolition of existing workshop, office, and storage building and erection of replacement workshop, office and storage building |
25NP0005 | Park Lodge, Bellingham, Northumberland, NE48 1PB | Installation of an array of 8no. photovoltaic panels to supplement the energy provision |
25NP0019 | Whitlees, Elsdon, Northumberland,NE19 1BT | Conversion of bastle and adjoining byre into two holiday accommodation units and ancillary store |
25NP0020LBC | Whitlees, Elsdon, Northumberland, NE19 1BT | Listed building Consent - Conversion of bastle and adjoining byre into two holiday accommodation units and ancillary store |
25NP0016 | Fellside, Alwinton, Northumberland, NE65 7BQ | Alterations to two semi-detached cottages to knock through into one single larger cottage with a rear single storey extension along with provision of solar panels to roof and associated works |
25NP0017 | The Cottage, Falstone, Northumberland, NE48 1AA | Part-Retrospective application for the retention of a single storey timber structure to rear elevation |
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